Photography Tea with Lemon is available for download in jpeg format with aspect ratio 4x3 and a maximum resolution of 5512 x 4134 pixels. In this composition is dominated by warm shades of red and yellow, which certainly to be warm our souls and evoke feelings of peace and comfort. A delicious lemon in the foreground and a boiling kettle beside froze in anticipation of the pleasure of the tea ceremony in the among friends and home comfort.

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Tea with lemon

Year 2008

ID: VS0099

25 december 2016, 10:55 0

Comments ()

  1. Анна Николаева 23 november 2017, 17:59 # +1
    1. Владимир Щукин 23 november 2017, 19:24 # 0
      Вы наверно безумно любите лимоны?
      1. Анна Николаева 06 april 2018, 15:14 # 0
        Да-да, конечно. Как увижу лимон, так голову теряю — хватаю крепко и убегаю босиком в закат

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