The photo Awakening of the Rose is available for download in jpeg format, with a maximum resolution of 6201х6201 pixels. In her pink, magical dream with her, there were absolutely miraculous transformations. Still unknown forces to her, they easily picked her up and carried her above the ground in the enchanting rhythm of the dance. In his cheerful and joyful flight, the Pink Rose met many different flowers. They were like roses and completely unknown for her an exotic plants. All of them were very different in shape, size and especially by the abundance of colors. It seemed that such a composition of many different elements would never reach harmony and beauty. But they were united by one common feeling - to find friends and bring joy and beauty to this world! And this composition was perfect. And everyone who sees this composition has acquired new true friends and the opportunity to creative the miracles! But nature was inexorable and the awakening from the magic dream came to the Pink Rose. She wanted so much to stay in this dream forever. Morning, she looked herself in the mirror and was surprised by beauty!

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Awakening of the Rose

Year 2013

ID: VS0129

24 august 2017, 00:47 0

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